The Town Park movie ( 2 mins)
was created especially for Carmel Doherty s Irish Music / Painting Exhibition ” Anonn Is Anall ” . Feile Pobail,Belfast and Rowen Tree Restaurant Ennis. 2010…where traditional musicians and artists from Clare join forces to create new work( see link ) .. 2..workshop animation experiment with tutor/artist/Animator Aideen Barry at Galway Film Centre 2010 (see link ) 3 snake charmer… experiment on going…
4…food-art fromBer Dowd on Vimeo. ….this animation appeared in Glor Ennis November 2010 as part of a group show with Food as the basic theme and how artists have been inspired by food
this Animation was created for the ``Ennis Bookclub Festival 2011
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6. The Prehistoric Piper… 2011…..Animation Ber Dowd,Music played by uilleann piper Blackie O Connell…. and credit to Finbar Dwyer the composer of ” The Holly Bush ” tune